If you have any questions? 519.896.6718

Who We Are


Our Team:

Our staffing resources consists of over 60 caregivers, professional and administrative staff all who are passionate and dedicated to enriching the lives of our young people in care. We also enjoy the participation of volunteers in providing quality of life to our residents.





John Vos




Shabnam Vos



Director of Program and Services

Jenna Weber



Office Manager

Karen Hartwick



Office Manager

Teena Hagedorn



Management Resource Coordinator

Angela Gossmann, R. Kin.



Resident Coordinator

Erica Sinco




In 1956, Pieter and Johanna Vos founded the original Sunbeam Home to provide a living center to serve the special needs of developmentally challenged children. Under their caring and dedicated guidance, the Home continued to expand with the addition of three satellite locations in Waterloo, Conestogo and in 1962 they built Sunbeam Lodge in Doon as a residential component of their existing services.  In 1966, the Sunbeam Home became incorporated as a charitable, non-profit organization and in 1973, all programs were centralized into one facility known today as Sunbeam Community Development Services. The Sunbeam Lodge continued as a specialized and privately operated residential care facility.


Provision of care and program development have changed dramatically since those initial times but the legacy of providing quality care to adults with complex needs continues today under the administration of John and Shabnam Vos.

Mission Statement:

Providing the best long-term residential care, practicing Christian principles, for adults with complex medical, physical and developmental disabilities by trained professional caregivers, bringing comfort, healing, and dignity, in an environment where everyone feels safe, respected, and loved.


Purpose Statement:

Sunbeam Lodge is a home away from home, providing long-term and respite residential treatment to adults with complex medical, physical and developmental disabilities accepting referrals from resources anywhere within the province of Ontario.


Value Statement:

Serving the needs of adults and their families with integrity and a Christian conscience, respecting the religious beliefs, values, and individual privacy of each resident, ensuring their best interests and personal well-being are honoured in all aspects of care.


The Sunbeam Lodge is an interdenominational facility ensuring practices that serve the best interests and personal needs of each resident and caregiver are respected including the individual values and cultures of each family represented.


Foundation Verse

“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me (Jesus Christ)” – Matthew 25:40


Cultural Diversity

Adults come into care with many diverse cultures, traditions, religions, and ethnicities. It is imperative that staff respect and allow for the inclusion of services related to these diversities in their daily caregiving in a way that is non-discriminatory,  reasonable and respectful to the personal circumstances of each and every resident in care. This includes the following :


  • Ethno-cultural traditions and lifestyle values requiring staff to be educated and orientated so they learn to respect these traditions and are knowledgeable on how to incorporate these values into their daily care-giving practices.

  • Racial acceptance and maintaining an environment that is free of any evidence or practice that appears to express discrimination. 

  • Linguistic needs that require the provision of translators allowing families and residents to communicate their needs and desires in a way that they can understand and be understood when communicating with staff and professionals involving the care of the resident. This includes the provision of services under the French Language Services Act where necessary.

  • Ancestral diversity is unique and therefore requires staff to be educated on its value and significance in the lives of our residents and their families. Ancestral diversity is not critical to all our residents, however, to those who hold it in high regard staff must understand and ensure this practice is respected. It may be in the practice of health therapy, religious or family history shared through family stories, the presence of photos and practices in the daily routine of the resident. Staff must be sensitive to the wishes of the family and again these practices are to be incorporated into the resident’s Plan of Care. 



We respect and strive to ensure that every young person placed in our care is accepted as equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.


Our policies are consistent with the standards and regulations as set in the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA) and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act that is not limited to but include:


  • the right to be safe, heard and cared for
  • rights about how your personal information is collected, used and shared.
  • access to all provincial rights resources, help lines and supports


We are committed to protecting and promoting their best personal interests, protection, and well-being ensuring they are:


Complaint Process:

It is important that our residents have a means to freely and also express any concerns or complaints in confidence and that there is a formal and independent process that allows their complaints to be heard and addressed in a specific procedure.





The Sunbeam Lodge is uniquely designed with a warm home-like environment, surrounded by 5 acres of beautifully treed landscape presenting a unique setting to serve the complex needs of our adults.


Our comfortable, family-home atmosphere permeates throughout the uniquely designed and well-maintained facility offering spacious program, recreational, lounge, and educational areas. Our bedrooms are very spacious, and well equipped to accommodate the physical, recreational, and personal interests of each resident. Our accessible decks and patios offer a variety of opportunities where residents and staff can enjoy the natural beauty of our spacious grounds and gardens. While personal attention is given to each resident’s concerns, similarly the needs and ongoing integrity of the family unit is recognized in our facility layout and landscaping that expresses  respect and sensitivity to making everyone feel comfortable.


We offer an accessible playground that is equipped that offers a unique recreational experience to our residents and visitors.





Our program to adults is regulated by MCCSS and by the regulations and standards legislated through the Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act. (SSPSIPDDA). We undergo annual Quality Assurance Measures reviews by each of our many adult placement agencies ensuring our facility and practices meet all of QAM regulations.



Sunbeam Lodge is regulated by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to ensure our drinking water is safe for our residents and staff. We undergo monthly testing and annual training to ensure our equipment  and purification systems are compliant with all the standards and regulations set by MECP legislation.



Sunbeam Lodge operates in compliance to all the regulations and standards legislated by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act through annual reporting.



Sunbeam Lodge ensures that all standards legislated by the Employment Standards Act are integrated into our policies and procedures governing how provide care and ensure the safety and well-being of all our employees.



Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities (OADD)

Ontario Caregiver Association (OCA)

Ontario Association of Child and Youth care (OACYC)

Christian Business Ministries Canada (CBMC)



Get in Touch

Looking to get in touch with us? Our friendly staff team can be

reached Monday through Friday. 8:30am to 4:30pm EST.